In the U.K. the Cabinet Office’s HMG’s Security Policy Framework (SPF) mandates that sensitive data must be destroyed in line with HMG Information Assurance Standard No 5 – Secure Sanitisation of Protectively Marked or Sensitive Information. Most companies require adherence to this standard. There is a specific mandate within this standard related to data destruction, listing 6 Business Impact Levels (BILs). SLS delivers guaranteed residual data destruction services which meet all BILs.
Data Protection Regulation
SLS follows procedures that are in compliance with regulatory standards for personal data protection. We offer services to completely destroy data across a wide variety of devices including magnetic and solid state drives.
NIST 800-88-r1, Guidelines for Media Sanitation
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-88 r1 Guidelines (NIST 800-88r1), published in December 2014, is the most commonly cited guidelines used in the United States. NIST provides guidelines for data destruction for:
- Hard copy (paper) storage sanitization
- Networking device sanitization
- Mobile device sanitization
- Equipment sanitization
- Magnetic media sanitization
- Peripherally attached storage sanitization
- Optical media sanitization
- Flash memory based storage device sanitization
- RAM and ROM based storage device sanitization
- Cryptographic erase considerations
SLS follows procedures that are in strict compliance with NIST 800-88 r1, in the US.
HMG IA Standard No. 5
ISO/IEC 21964 (formerly DIN-66399)
SLS Germany uses shredding technology that complies with the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz), as well as the new DIN-66399 regulations up to security levels H4 / H5.
On-Site Hard Drive Destruction – A Smart Idea
A 30 minute conversation with a Data Destruction Advisor can help generate a cost effective proposal aligned to your specific data security requirements.