Over the last decade, hard drive data destruction services have gained popularity in assuring organizations all data is disposed of securely and responsibly along with their electronic hardware. More recently, IT asset disposition (ITAD) companies have introduced portable hard drive data destruction solutions for added convenience and increased security.
These services generally involve mobile hard drive wiping, degaussing and shredding that can occur at your location. This leaves clients with the peace of mind in knowing data on their storage device will be destroyed before their devices are removed from their location. As a leader in the global ITAD industry, SRS has been performing this service for more than two years now and more recently expanded this service to offer clients even more options.
The initial on-site service offering included wiping, degaussing, crushing or shredding of hard drives specifically. However, recently the company announced the new addition of a shredding system that will enable them the capability of handling almost any data storage device (small or large) securely and responsible.
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Examples of media types intended for this new shredding system include USB drives, solid state drives, credit cards and SIM cards. This on-site service enables customers the opportunity to witness the destruction of these items specifically with confidence that not one has the ability to slip through a blade untouched.
Click here to learn more about on-site digital data destruction services available at SRS.