Learn more about how SLS works with clients to achieve better results from your ITAD and electronic recycling programs.
Case Study Takeback
Building a Closed Loop Takeback Program for a Global Electronics Manufacturer
Secure. Compliant. Green.
Sims Lifecycle Services (SLS) developed a partnership with a worldwide electronics manufacturer to equipment to create their global Customer TakeBack Program. The Program began over a decade ago and provides an efficient service that helps their customers upgrade to new technology, return excess used products or materials extend product lifecycles and preserve the environment. Faced with the challenge of providing economical, customer-friendly and compliant TakeBack Programs in the midst of rapidly changing legislation, global growth and acquisition, the technology company turned to SLS. Having performed their due diligence they undertook a thorough auditing process to ensure selection of an appropriate vendor. As one of the leaders in the secure, sustainable and responsible recovery and recycling of redundant IT equipment, SLS was the perfect partner to support this customers IT asset disposition and recycling needs.
SLS is fully compliant with the most stringent security, safety, quality and environmental standards. As industry leaders with global footprints, these two could innovate and grow comprehensive IT Asset Disposition and Product recovery Programs that deliver cost effective, legally compliant and environmentally responsible solutions.
Environmental Best Practice: Reuse, Then Recycle
Maximizing recovery levels and lowering waste reduction were key goals, extracting the maximum potential benefits from products, thus generating minimal waste. Adopting a strategy of reuse first and recycling as a final option guaranteed minimum environmental impact, reduced costs and produced positive impacts for the technology company’s clients. Both the reuse and recycling programs were important steps towards protecting the environment.
Returned products are screened and non-branded parts are recovered. The recovered parts are tested and redeployed to support our client’s fulfilment of their extended maintenance contracts. This reclamation of spare parts helps to provide a cost-effective continuity of supply for products no longer being produced. This extends the product lifecycle, providing economic and environmental benefits.
Secure Closed Loop Services

Equipment that cannot be recovered and reused is designated for end-of-life recycling. SLS recycles the e-waste in one of our global electronics recycling plants where industry-leading innovation in the development of materials recovery technology ensures a cost effective, compliant and environmentally responsible result.
Responsible Reuse and Recycling

Minimizing Environmental Impact
The customer is a member of the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition, meaning they are held to a high level of environmental responsibility. SLS supports their annual submission of environmental reporting. This allows them to benchmark and track their supply chain’s environmental performance. Landfill minimization, adherence to the waste hierarchy of reduce, reuse, recycle and reduction of carbon usage and emissions were the targets of the TakeBack Program.
Peace of Mind, Transparency and Continuous Improvement
Our partner’s approach to closed-loop security and environmental compliance is exemplary. Sims is pleased to work in a long-term partnership that has allowed us to continually improve and innovate our services.
Sean Magann, Chief Commercial Officer
This customer is responsible for complying with various legislations across the 140 countries in which it operates to ensure the items they manufactured, sold or handled are disposed of safely and responsibly. With a background of rapid improvements in technology and continually evolving legislation, SLS was a logical choice to help the technology company meet legislative compliance and fulfil their corporate social responsibility (CSR) objectives. Our reuse and recycling services are fully supported by an inventory management system that provides detailed compliance reporting for this customer. Equipment and parts are tracked as they are processed providing full traceability. Transactional transparency, compliance and collaboration helped create a strong, trusted partnership that ultimately brought benefits to all stakeholders involved.