Frequently Asked Questions
Section 5 – How do I compare different decommissioning vendors?
You want to make sure your selected vendor is competent in the following areas:

Too often, data centers depend on established vendors who currently provide adjacent services to also provide the decommissioning and final disposition of retired assets. An existing vendor will have the advantage of being familiar with your data center environment and the people on-site. The disadvantage may be that the decommissioning and disposition services may be outside their area of expertise.
At the start of a decommissioning project, the assumption is that any required data has been backed up, software licenses are accounted for, and cancellation of maintenance contracts has been completed. All equipment targeted for decommissioning should be powered down and disconnected from the network by data center employees.
Selecting a Decommissioning Vendor
When embarking on a project as complex as decommissioning a data center, it is critical to have the right partner by your side.
Need More Information for ITAD Services?
SLS offers a detailed RFP template for scoping ITAD services.
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