
Electronics Recycling Innovation

Our advanced recycling infrastructure enables SLS to take a complex, highly engineered product, made up of dozens of materials and efficiently deconstruct this product to produce pure streams of raw materials that can be used to create new products. 

Our commitment to developing innovative solutions to responsibly recycle even the most challenging electronic products gives clients confidence that all areas of our business are responsibly managed.

Improved Plastic Recycling

SLS is spearheading and implementing best-in-class plastic separation technology. Because electronics are manufactured from multiple types of plastic, efficiently separating these plastics from other commodity streams is essential to producing clean, recyclable material that increases reuse opportunities.

With our proprietary plastics processing line, we have effectively closed the loop for plastics recycling. Our advanced technology enables us to separate different types of plastic, which allows electronics manufacturers to include high quality post consumer recycled (PCR) plastic in the production of new products. This is a huge step forward in sustainable recycling as plastics are one of the most problematic materials to recycle from electronics.

Creating material streams suitable for manufacturing into new products helps electronics companies hit their goals for including recycled materials in their new products.

printers to be recycled

Sustainability Calculator

The new Sims Sustainability Calculator offers transparency in quantifying the carbon savings when responsibly managing end-of-life electronics. This is an important tool in helping manufacturers quantify circular initiatives in managing the lifecycle of electronic equipment.

Design for Circularity

Traditional manufacturing techniques can hinder recycling due to traditional product design. Our collaborative relationship with electronics manufacturers helps spark innovative ideas in driving design to improve the recyclability of electronics.

  • Smart parts design ideas
  • Material selection
  • Composite materials
  • Accessory design
  • Surface treatment selection
computer processor

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See how SLS uses advanced technology to improve our recycling outcomes.