Talk to SLS today about setting up a consultation for IT asset disposition and recycling services.
Case Study
Meeting the Challenge of Sensitive Data Destruction
The Challenge
Our client is a leader in providing software, hardware, services and training across the United Kingdom. Their clients include government departments holding sensitive and proprietary information, as well as private sector companies.
One client had a legacy of media spanning numerous years that required secure data destruction. An initial audit revealed this media included hard drives, tapes, media drives, floppy disks and CDs. However, they could not determine an exact number of media that would need destruction.
Because of the nature and sensitivity of the data contained on the range of assets, the client did not want to take the unnecessary risk of transporting data-bearing assets from their facilities. Instead, they decided that the large volumes of Secret and Top Secret media should be destroyed on-site.
Assets were held across numerous sites, each of which had strict operational schedules that could not be altered. This created an additional logistical challenge.
The Service
Sims Lifecycle Services (SLS) was selected to provide secure on-site digital data destruction and project management.
SLS scheduled the use of our on-site shredder service to accommodate the various schedules of each site. SLS’ staff was trained to operate according to the strict security and health & safety requirements for each site. All assets would be audited and destroyed to the UK government’s data destruction standard HMG IA Level 5. In order to provide maximum value to the client for the large quantities of assets being processed, SLS offered a day rate for on-site shredder use, as opposed to a unit price.

The Outcome
- SLS’ shredder vehicle and security-cleared staff visited nine sites and provided witnessed destruction of over 5,500 units of media.
- Hard copies of reports were provided on the day, and Certificates of Destruction were provided via the online Sims Portal.
- The project was completed ahead of schedule, despite last minute changes required to keep these critical sites operational.
The client noted, “On this particular project, the time constraints were limited but SLS were extremely helpful in ensuring the project was delivered on time to the customers’ specifications. The project was managed professionally and efficiently with SLS updating us at every step of the project.”

On this particular project the time constraints were limited but SLS were extremely helpful in ensuring the project was delivered on time to the customers’ specifications. The project was managed professionally and efficiently with SLS updating us at every step of the project.
– SLS Client